Protecting your concrete driveway probably does not sit at the top of your priority list as we enter the Spring of 2013. After all, you do not have an entire day to devote to pressure washing, going to the local paint store, buying a driveway sealer, and applying it to your driveway. So the question is; do you really need to waterproof your concrete driveway?
The answer is; yes. This oft-forgotten maintenance can save you big money on concrete patching and repair costs down the road. In an area where we experience numerous freeze/thaw cycles throughout our winter months as well as salt trucks slinging salt in our driveways, your concrete driveway is destined to deteriorate if it is not treated with an appropriate sealer.
We use a concrete sealer that does not change the appearance of your driveway once dry. This siloxane-based sealer is designed to penetrate into the concrete and expand to form a barrier that protects water from soaking into the concrete and causing deterioration. The best part? This service, which includes a pressure wash and one coat of sealer, is affordable. Once your concrete is sealed, your driveway will have protection from spalling, leaf stains, acid rain, and other contaminants that would normally be able to penetrate into the concrete.