The professionals at Pinpoint Painting can repaint most types of steel siding. With years of experience in industrial coatings, we take all necessary steps and precautions to ensure the right products are used for your project. Since metal is not a porous surface, there are certain measures we take to ensure new paint jobs will have maximum adhesion. We carefully analyze all aspects of the structure, taking into consideration the type of metal, previous coatings, and areas of rust that need addressing. If necessary, we recommend an industrial grade rust-inhibiting primer as a first coat to seal and protect rusted areas to prevent further corrosion. After priming, allow home and business owners to choose from our durable selection of topcoats.
If you choose us for your project, we offer a complimentary “Test Area” sample where we apply the specified product in a small, inconspicuous area on the structure. Days later, we follow up with an “Adhesion Test” to ensure the coating has appropriate adhesion to the surface. We know that coating siding is an important investment so we pride ourselves on being thorough and detail-oriented. Want a consultation? Call us today or use the side form to reach us.