What To Expect – Carpentry | Pinpoint Painting

What to Expect - Carpentry

Thank you for choosing us for your project!  As outlined on your estimate, these charges will be additional to the original quote.  We wanted to make you aware of a few points before we get started on the carpentry portion of your project, as well as list some frequently asked questions.

  • Work will be billed as an add-on of $80/hour + materials
  • There is a $300 minimum carpentry add-on charge
  • Many projects require 2 carpenters, especially ones that require ladders. In this case, the billing will include both workers ($160/hour)
  • The billing also includes any time our carpenter spends measuring, going to get materials, hauling away trash, or any other necessary tasks that are associated with your project.
  • The billing would also include any time our carpenter spends coming out to do an estimate, if necessary.
  • The billable hours for carpentry include, but not limited to: work performed, time spent on assessment of project, ordering and picking up materials, disposing of materials, picking up and/or dropping off tools and equipment, associated travel costs
  • At times, more than one carpenter will be working on the project. Billing will adjust accordingly depending on how many carpenters are working. For example; if two carpenters are working, the billing rate would be $160/hour + materials.
  • Important Note regarding initial estimated ranges: An initial time-frame estimate or range may be given or listed on estimate. We will bill to the exact hours spent on the work, which may be less or exceed the initial estimate range. By signing our contract, the customer understands that the exact hours spent on the additional carpentry work will be billed and understands that the actual hours may be less or more than any initial estimated range that was discussed or listed on the estimate.
  • Important Note regarding payment terms: A materials deposit may be required for carpentry work. All carpentry work will be billed as a separate invoice, which will be due upon receipt of invoice. This may include progress invoices prior to completion of work.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carpentry:

Why were the hours billed to me more than the actual hours spent on the job site?

Any hours spent associated with your project are included. This may include time off of your job site, such as time spent on the assessment of your project, ordering and picking up materials, disposing of materials, picking up and/or dropping off tools and equipment, working on items related to your project at our shop, and associated travel costs.

Will I be charged travel time?

Yes, associated travel costs can be included in the billable hours. These may include time driving to and from vendor suppliers, taking away materials/debris for disposal, and traveling in between job sites.

Will the carpentry portion of the project be billed separately?

Yes, in most cases, you can expect the carpentry portion to be billed separately, at the time of completion of the carpentry. There may be a materials deposit due prior to beginning. On larger projects that span over more than one week, you can expect progress draw(s), normally weekly.  If the carpentry work is done at the same time as the painting, you may be billed all at once upon total completion of the project.